Angel Course Order Form

And Reset Your Neuro Physiology to Release Weight HERE

6 Powerful Angel Connection Energy Medicine Sessions + 4 Potent Guardian Angel Bonus Sessions

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This Program is Tripling in Price...
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PLUS... Free Private Healing Session!
When by enrolling through the bundle (Option 2 below), you'll receive a FREE, private, on-the-phone (or Skype) 30-minute turbo healing/ psychic/medium session with ME!!

That is a $500 retail value; yours free if you are the first 15!
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Retail $557... Yours for Just $149.95

ADD THIS TO YOUR ORDER For Just $57: Receive 45-Days of daily sacred in-the-background remote healing transmissions straight from the Angels to YOU. The Angels will bring through extra powerful remote, customized transformational transmissions. Jennifer also works with the Angels to check in and direct aspects of these frequencies each day. NOTE: You don't have to attend anything or do anything; simply receive as you go about your day. This is an accelerant to the healing you'll experience in the remarkable Angel Healing Course. [*PayPal Users, see this add on in your PayPal Checkout]

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Angel Healing Course:

  • 6 Powerful Energy Medicine Sessions: Prepare to experience and immersive, powerful connection to your angels of health, wealth, service, compassion, higher self, and guides. With each 75-minute session, you'll be layering in profound healing and transformation, expanding your life, power, and capacities. This is a game-changer.
  • BONUS, 4 Powerful Energy Medicine Journeys to connect with your Guardian Angels: You can now connect more deeply with these powerful archangels, letting them support you even more deeply as you consciously bring their energy into your life.​
  • ​Private Access Salon: Watch these special videos indefinitely in your private Access Salon, where you'll find all 10 of your Video sessions as well as audio versions.​
  • ​Downloadable MP3 Audios: You will also be able to download MP3 audio versions of these special healing video sessions to listen to while walking, exercising, doing chores, etc.

Neuro-Metabolic Reset For Weight Ease 21-Days:

  • 21 Days of Daily Resetting the Neural Physiology of Weight Release : Each day, for 21 Straight days, you will join me and a powerful group of like minds all set on this one intention of shifting the physiological and emotional landscape for shedding the excess weight. 
  • ​Layering In the Transformation: Neural science has proven that we are creating new habits within 21 days... and you will now leverage vibrational medicine to accelerate and lock in new your habits of thinking and feeling.
  •  **3 BONUS SESSIONS**: Amazing medical intuitive Keri Fulmore will join in for 2 special bonus sessions offering insights on the actual neural physiology that will open the energy healing during the 21 Days. AND a HUGE 3rd bonus is sound vibration with Jennifer... it's a resetting through sound concert, and it alone would be worth the whole course.
  • ​POWERFUL EXTENDED **HEAL-A-THON** for Weight Release: After the 21 Days is complete you will want to access an extended 3-hour event (already recorded and waiting for you). You will be able to experience powerful new insights that came from remarkable questions, I promise your questions will be answered to just by listening. This puts the exclamation mark of transformation on this amazing program.
  • ​Spontaneous Transformation Technique: you will experience the remarkable Spontaneous Transformation Technique to assist you in going to the core of past trauma that is contributing to holding the weight and unwinding and releasing it.
  • ​Shamanic Healing Journeys: Jennifer's healing journeys are renowned for creating deep and profound shifts and opening new neural pathways of being... get ready to discover a whole new you through these journeys
  • ​Receive Special "Attunements:" Jennifer is famous for these and how powerfully they work... it's like magic. These are initiations that acts like an energetic key activating and awakening your dormant energies waiting to reset your metabolism.
  • ​Experience Deeply Healing ​Sound Vibration: Jennifer is a renowned sound vibration healer. As you heal through the many interactions of this course, you will also grow stronger as the new patterns are strengthened through sound healing.

Over 10 Hours Of Direct Connection With Your Angels!

“This course changed my life! I have never felt so in tune with myself and the universe.”
— Emma
"I always felt a disconnect with the world, but after this course, it's like I’ve found my place in the universe."
— Miguel R.
"The Angel Healing Course changed my life. I found strength I never knew existed and unlocked love in areas I had shut down years ago." 
— Sarah L.
Your For Just $149.95 Today!
 OVER $400 OFF!!!
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Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Energy Medicine Cause Weight Release

A: The many Energy Medicine Processes and techniques address things diets can't, the unconscious false beliefs and dysfunctional patterns that hold weight. You will unwind these barriers, and your weight naturally falls away. You also change your behaviors almost magically so that you suddenly start eating differently, crave new foods, and start moving your body. 48,000 pounds have been released in aggregate from participants so far. a GREAT way to start the year!

Who is this course for?

A: The Angel Healing Course is ideal for anyone deeply searching for answers, peace, and betterment in their lives. If you're looking to transcend common boundaries and receive advanced spiritual, emotional, and physical healing, this course offers an invaluable resource.

What exactly is the Angel Healing Course?

A: The Angel Healing Course is a transformative program featuring six 75-minute Energy Medicine sessions. Each session is designed to connect you with a specific Angel—of; Love & Purpose, Health & Wellness, Abundance & Wealth, Compassion & Harmony, your Higher Self/Soul and your Spirit Guides—to guide you towards greater wellness, meaning, and peace in your life.

What are the bonus sessions about?

A: In addition to the core 6 sessions, we offer 4 bonus Energy Medicine sessions. These focus on deepening your connection and accessibility to the four Guardian Angels/Archangels, allowing you to experience deeper levels of healing and support.

What will I achieve by the end of the course?

A: By the end of the course, you'll have established a profound connection with your Guardian Angels and will be empowered to leverage their support for holistic betterment. Whether it's improved health, financial stability, service without sacrifice, or compassionate relationships, you'll find transformative strategies and techniques to achieve them.

How are the sessions delivered?

A: The course consists of pre-recorded video sessions, allowing you to proceed at your own pace. Each session offers practical exercises and meditations that facilitate a deeper connection with your angels.

Are there any prerequisites for the course?

A: There are no prerequisites for joining the Angel Healing Course. Whether you're a beginner or experienced in spiritual practices, the course is structured to offer benefits for everyone.

© 2007-2023 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Jennifer McLean,  McLean MasterWorks
4533 MacArthur Blvd #245, Newport Beach, CA 92660  Customer Support: 847-386-1464  I

Medical Disclaimer
The information provided through McLean Masterworks and its guests is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or during this series is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any mental or physical health condition or treatment.